Please follow the links below for instructions in preparing your application.
Instructions for applicants applying to take the West Virginia Bar Examination
Instructions for applicants applying by transferred UBE score
Instructions for applicants applying on motion/reciprocity
Instructions for applicants applying for Rule 9.0 Limited Permission
Instructions for applicants applying as Resident Professors of Law
Instructions for applicants applying as Military Spouse
Instructions for applicants applying as Military Legal Assistance
The Uniform Bar Examination is administered in Charleston, West Virginia, on the last Tuesday and Wednesday of February and July each year. The February 2025 exam will be held at Holiday Inn and Suites Charleston West. The July 2025 exam is scheduled to be held at the Four Points by Sheraton.
West Virginia is not a courtesy seating jurisdiction. For more information on courtesy seating, please visit
February Examination
- August 1 – first date on which applications will be accepted;
- November 1 – priority postmark deadline for applications;
- Applications postmarked between November 2 and December 1 require an additional $200 late processing fee; and,
- Applications postmarked after December 1 will not be accepted.
July Examination
- March 1 – first date on which applications will be accepted;
- April 1 – priority postmark deadline for applications;
- Applications postmarked between April 2 and May 1 require an additional $200 late processing fee; and,
- Applications postmarked after May 1 will not be accepted.
WV Application Fee | $500 for applicants who have never been admitted in any jurisdiction and for attorneys admitted less than one year in any other jurisdiction; or, $800 for attorneys admitted in any other jurisdiction for one year or more. |
NCBE Report | The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) requires a fee, separate from and additional to the WV Application Fee, to complete a required character and fitness background investigative report for this jurisdiction. The fee varies, but typically begins at $395. See NCBE’s website for their fee schedule. |
Laptop Registration | Applicants choosing to use their laptop computer for the essay portion of the exam must pay a fee of approximately $140 directly to the software provider; info, request for fee, and registration will be emailed 6-8 weeks before the exam. For information on minimum system requirements visit the ILG site. |
MPRE | The Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam is a test separate from the UBE, with a separate set of administration fees. Information is available on the NCBE site. |
Other | A fee may be assessed for applicants transferring scores (MBE, MPRE) and requesting copies of required application supporting documents. Travel expenses may be incurred for the bar examination administration, in person jurisdiction-specific character interview, and for the in person admission ceremony. |
FIRST: Read and familiarize yourself with the Rules for Admission to the Practice of Law in West Virginia. These Rules govern all applications to practice law in West Virginia, and all applicants are charged with knowledge of the Rules’ requirements. Anyone wishing to apply to this jurisdiction must confirm they meet the Rules’ requirements and follow all instructions and Rules as available on the website. Thoroughly review the instructions on this page, these FAQs and Tips, and the National Conference of Bar Examiners instructions for answers to your questions regarding the application process. Neither the WVBLE office nor the Board can give advisory opinions. An application must be filed according to the Rules and instructions. There are no waivers to the Rules or instructions.
If you are reapplying to sit for a West Virginia Bar Examination, carefully review your results letter and these Reapplication FAQs and Tips for details regarding the required reapplication materials.
SECOND: Go to the website of the National Conference of Bar Examiners and fill out the online West Virginia-specific character and fitness application (hereinafter referred to as "application"). Applications that are handwritten or not completed online will be rejected. Print out one original copy of the completed NCBE application and confirm that a bar code and number appear at the bottom. The application must be dated (bottom right corner) no more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of submission to our jurisdiction and the NCBE. Make a copy of the application and all materials you send to the WVBLE/NCBE throughout the process to keep for your records.
THIRD: Follow the NCBE’s instructions for submitting the required supporting material to the NCBE with your payment. This payment is separate from and additional to payment to the WVBLE. We will accept NCBE supplemental reports only if the original NCBE report was completed no more than three (3) years prior to the date of your application to West Virginia.
FOURTH: Mail the following materials together in one envelope to the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners at:
Do NOT include staples, post-it notes, and/or exhibit tabs with your application. Do not fold your application or supporting materials (excludes envelopes containing transcripts). Application materials are scanned upon receipt and using such items may cause your application to be torn or shredded during the scanning process. All materials must be submitted on paper measuring 8½” x 11” and must be single-sided.
The following materials must be postmarked by the application deadline or your application will be rejected. If you fail to include these items you will not be given any grace period beyond the filing deadlines to correct the error:
- Application Filing Fee payable to the State of West Virginia. Please reference the Application Filing Fee Schedule for acceptable payment types and applicable fee.
- One original application (see SECOND above). You must attach any required documents (e.g., copies of pleadings, orders, criminal complaints, military separation documents, financial, etc.), if applicable, which the application directs you to include to both the NCBE and WVBLE. If you no longer have the materials listed, contact the court(s)/issuing agency to provide copies of these documents (or provide their response, in writing, if they are unable to do so).
- One (1) completed Application Affidavit with original/wet signatures of applicant and Notary Public, dated no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission.
- One (1) completed Affidavit of Authorization and Release with original/wet signatures of applicant and Notary Public, dated no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission.
- Official transcript from the school(s) that awarded your undergraduate degree(s). Transcripts must show that your degree has been awarded and the date on which it was awarded. Photocopies and unofficial printouts will not be accepted. If the transcript indicates that it must be in its original, sealed envelope to be official, send it to the Board of Law Examiners without opening the envelope. If the college or university provides transcripts via electronic service you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the name that appears on the transcript (if different than the name on your application), the issuing college/university, and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- An original credit report dated no more than thirty (30) days prior to the date your application is postmarked. A credit report printed from an online free annual credit reporting agency or from any website that provides detailed history on each account is acceptable. A print-out that shows only your credit score is insufficient. The report must include your full name and the date it was issued and no pages may be redacted.
- If you are requesting transfer of a previous Multistate Bar Examination score, complete and submit the MBE Transfer Certification Request (as well as answering the appropriate question on the application) with your application. The deadline for receipt of a transferred MBE score for the February bar examination is January 1. The deadline for receipt of a transferred MBE score for the July bar examination is June 1. It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact the issuing jurisdiction or NCBE to request that the score transfer arrive in our office by the deadline. NOTE: If you transfer an MBE score, you will not receive a Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) score; a successful bar exam score will be valid only for admission in West Virginia.
- If applicable, a written request to the Board of Law Examiners pursuant to Rule 3.4(c) of the Rules for Admission to the Practice of Law: "An applicant who has failed to earn the minimum score required to pass in this State after a fourth examination taken in this or any other jurisdiction shall not again be admitted to an examination except upon permission of the Board of Law Examiners for good cause shown. The Board so granting the permission may, as a condition to the granting of another examination, prescribe a further course of study." Copies of score reports (from jurisdictions other than West Virginia), which include the exam date and applicant name, should be submitted along with the request.
FIFTH: If you require testing accommodations (e.g. extra time, large font, etc.) please complete the Testing Accommodations Form. Be sure to include all documentation requested in the form. Your request must be postmarked no later than December 1st preceding the February examination, and no later than May 1st preceding the July examination. Information about accommodations for lactation may be found here.
SIXTH: As soon as possible after filing your application, submit the following materials to the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners at the address listed in Step Four. Your file will not be complete and you will not be eligible for admission until we have received these items:
- Official transcript from the school that awarded your law degree. Transcripts must show that your degree has been awarded and the date on which it was awarded. Photocopies and unofficial printouts will not be accepted. If the transcript indicates that it must be in its original, sealed envelope in order to be official, send it to the Board of Law Examiners without opening the envelope. If the college or university provides transcripts via electronic service, you must request as the designated recipient. Your law school transcript must be received in our office prior to the exam. Graduates of the West Virginia University College of Law who are applying for the July exam after graduating in May will not need to provide an official law school transcript, as the WVU College of Law provides certification of law degrees directly to our office (graduates must be eligible for degree certification in order to sit for the exam). Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- Original Certificates of Good Standing from the Clerk of the Supreme Court from each state where you have been admitted to practice, signed no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission. If these are issued solely electronically, you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the issuing agency and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- Official score report from the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE). If you specified West Virginia as one of the reporting states when you took the exam, you must inform our office in writing of the date you took the MPRE so that we can confirm your score without the need for an official score report. Pursuant to Rule 3.2(d), applicants for admission by examination must achieve a passing MPRE score of 80 within 25 months of successful completion of the West Virginia bar examination. There will be no exceptions to or waivers of this rule. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
SEVENTH: Keep the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners apprised of any changes in the information provided on your application by submitting an Application Update Form when necessary (please submit update items according to the instructions in red above). You must also inform the NCBE of changes to your application using the NCBE’s amendment forms available under your NCBE online account.
The West Virginia Board of Law Examiners processes applications for admission by transferred UBE score year round. While such applications are not subject to the biannual deadlines imposed on bar examination applicants, they must be postmarked no later than the deadline set forth in Rule 3.5(a).
This varies according to the precision with which the application is completed and the applicant's background information. The NCBE recommends allowing a minimum of six months for completion of the character and fitness background investigative report; this can be completed in much less time if reference information is current and all application details are accurate. All applicants take part in the in person jurisdiction-specific character interview process following receipt of all required credentials, including the completed NCBE report. Admission takes place in person in front of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia in the Courtroom at the Capitol Complex. Admissions ceremonies are scheduled throughout the Court's two terms each year.
WV Application fee: | $750 |
NCBE Report: | The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) requires a fee, separate from and additional to the WV Application Fee, to complete a required character and fitness background investigative report. The fee varies, but typically begins at $550. See NCBE’s website for their fee schedule. |
MPRE: | Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam administration fees. Information is available at the NCBE site. |
Other: | Fees may be assessed for transferring scores (UBE, MPRE) and requesting certificates of good standing, copies of required application supporting documents, and copies of applications previously filed in other jurisdictions. Travel expenses may be incurred for the in person jurisdiction-specific character interview and for the in person admission ceremony. |
FIRST: Read and familiarize yourself with the Rules for Admission to the Practice of Law in West Virginia. These Rules govern all applications to practice law in West Virginia, and all applicants are charged with knowledge of the Rules’ requirements. Anyone wishing to apply to this jurisdiction must confirm they meet the Rules’ requirements and follow all instructions and Rules as available on the website. Thoroughly review the instructions on this page, these FAQs and Tips for application by transferred UBE score, and the National Conference of Bar Examiners instructions for answers to your questions regarding the application process. Neither the WVBLE office nor the Board can give advisory opinions. An application must be filed according to the Rules and instructions. There are no waivers to the Rules or instructions.
SECOND: Go to the website of the National Conference of Bar Examiners and fill out the online West Virginia-specific character and fitness application (hereinafter referred to as "application"). Applications that are handwritten or not completed online will be rejected. Print out one original copy of the completed NCBE application, and confirm that a bar code and number appear at the bottom. The application must be dated (bottom right corner) no more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of submission to our jurisdiction and the NCBE. Make a copy of the application and all materials you send to the WVBLE/NCBE throughout the process to keep for your records.
THIRD: Follow the NCBE’s instructions for submitting the required supporting material to the NCBE with your payment. This payment is separate from and additional to payment to the WVBLE. We will accept NCBE supplemental reports only if the original NCBE report was completed no more than three (3) years prior to the date of your application to West Virginia.
FOURTH: Mail the following materials together in one envelope to the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners at:
Do NOT include staples, post-it notes, and/or exhibit tabs with your application. Do not fold your application or supporting materials (excludes envelopes containing transcripts). Application materials are scanned upon receipt and using such items may cause your application to be torn or shredded during the scanning process. All materials must be submitted on paper measuring 8½” x 11” and must be single-sided.
The following materials must be postmarked by the application deadline, according to Rule 3.5 (a) or your application will be rejected. If you fail to include these items you will not be given any grace period to correct the error:
- Application Filing Fee payable to the State of West Virginia. Please reference the Application Filing Fee Schedule for acceptable payment types and applicable fee.
- One original application (see SECOND above). You must attach any required documents (e.g., copies of pleadings, orders, criminal complaints, military separation documents, financial, etc.), if applicable, which the application directs you to include to both the NCBE and WVBLE. If you no longer have the materials listed, contact the court(s)/issuing agency to provide copies of these documents (or provide their response, in writing, if they are unable to do so).
- One (1) completed Application Affidavit with original/wet signatures of applicant and Notary Public, dated no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission.
- One (1) completed Affidavit of Authorization and Release with original/wet signatures of applicant and Notary Public, dated no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission.
- UBE Official Score Transcript from the NCBE. This must come to our office directly from the NCBE, but you must include a copy of the receipt indicating you have requested it with your application. Pursuant to Rule 3.5(a), applicants must have earned a, “…combined, scaled UBE score of no less than 270 in an administration of the UBE taken within three years immediately preceding the date upon which application is made …” Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- If applicable, a written request to the Board of Law Examiners pursuant to Rule 3.4(c) of the Rules for Admission to the Practice of Law: "An applicant who has failed to earn the minimum score required to pass in this State after a fourth examination taken in this or any other jurisdiction shall not ... be admitted by transferred UBE score except upon permission of the Board of Law Examiners for good cause shown."
- Official score report from the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE). If you specified West Virginia as one of the reporting states when you took the exam, you must inform our office in writing of the date you took the MPRE so that we can confirm your score without the need for an official score report. Pursuant to Rule 3.5 (a), applicants for admission by transferred UBE score must achieve a scaled score of at least 80 on an exam (administration date) within twenty-five months of the applicant's successful UBE administration (exam date). There will be no exceptions to or waivers of this rule. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- Official transcript from the school(s) that awarded your undergraduate degree(s). Transcripts must show that your degree has been awarded and the date on which it was awarded. Photocopies and unofficial printouts will not be accepted. If the transcript indicates that it must be in its original, sealed envelope to be official, send it to the Board of Law Examiners without opening the envelope. If the college or university provides transcripts via electronic service you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the name that appears on the transcript (if different than the name on your application), the issuing college/university, and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- Official transcript from the school that awarded your law degree. Transcripts must show that your degree has been awarded and the date on which it was awarded. Photocopies and unofficial printouts will not be accepted. If the transcript indicates that it must be in its original, sealed envelope in order to be official, send it to the Board of Law Examiners without opening the envelope. If the college or university provides transcripts via electronic service, you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the name that appears on the transcript (if different than the name on your application), the issuing college/university, and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- An original credit report dated no more than thirty (30) days prior to the date your application is postmarked. A credit report printed from an online free annual credit reporting agency or from any website that provides detailed history on each account is acceptable. A print-out that shows only your credit score is insufficient. The report must include your full name and the date it was issued and no pages may be redacted.
- Original Certificates of Good Standing from the Clerk of the Supreme Court from each state where you have been admitted to practice, signed no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission. If these are issued solely electronically, you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the issuing agency and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application. (If you have been admitted or are seeking admission in multiple jurisdictions, separate each certificate with colored copy paper.)
FIFTH: Keep the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners apprised of any changes in the information provided on your application by submitting an Application Update Form when necessary (please submit update items according to the instructions in red above). You must also inform the NCBE of changes to your application using the NCBE’s amendment forms available under your NCBE online account.
The West Virginia Board of Law Examiners processes applications for admission on motion/reciprocity year round, and such applications are not subject to the biannual deadlines imposed on bar examination applicants.
This varies according to the precision with which the application is completed and the applicant's background information. The NCBE recommends allowing a minimum of six months for completion of the character and fitness background investigative report; this can be completed in much less time if reference information is current and all application details are accurate. All applicants take part in the in person jurisdiction-specific character interview process following receipt of all required credentials, including the completed NCBE report. Admission takes place in person in front of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia in the Courtroom at the Capitol Complex. Admissions ceremonies are scheduled throughout the Court's two terms each year.
WV Application fee: | $2,000 |
NCBE Report: | The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) requires a fee, separate from and additional to the WV Application Fee, to complete a required character and fitness background investigative report. The fee varies, but typically begins at $550. See NCBE’s website for their fee schedule. |
MPRE: | Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam administration fees. Information is available at the NCBE site. |
Other: | Fees may be assessed for transferring scores (MPRE) and requesting certificates of good standing, copies of required application supporting documents, and copies of applications previously filed in other jurisdictions. Travel expenses may be incurred for the in person jurisdiction-specific character interview and for the in person admission ceremony. |
FIRST: Read and familiarize yourself with the Rules for Admission to the Practice of Law in West Virginia. These Rules govern all applications to practice law in West Virginia, and all applicants are charged with knowledge of the Rules’ requirements. Anyone wishing to apply to this jurisdiction must confirm they meet the Rules’ requirements and follow all instructions and Rules as available on the website. Verify that you are admitted in one of West Virginia's approved Reciprocity Jurisdictions. Thoroughly review the instructions on this page, these FAQs and Tips for application by reciprocity, and the National Conference of Bar Examiners instructions for answers to your questions regarding the application process. Neither the WVBLE office nor the Board can give advisory opinions. An application must be filed according to the Rules and instructions. There are no waivers to the Rules or instructions.
SECOND: Go to the website of the National Conference of Bar Examiners and fill out the online West Virginia-specific character and fitness application (hereinafter referred to as "application"). Applications that are handwritten or not completed online will be rejected. Print out one original copy of the completed NCBE application, and confirm that a bar code and number appear at the bottom. The application must be dated (bottom right corner) no more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of submission to our jurisdiction and the NCBE. Make a copy of the application and all materials you send to the WVBLE/NCBE throughout the process to keep for your records.
THIRD: Follow the NCBE’s instructions for submitting the required supporting material to the NCBE with your payment. This payment is separate from and additional to payment to the WVBLE. We will accept NCBE supplemental reports only if the original NCBE report was completed no more than three (3) years prior to the date of your application to West Virginia.
FOURTH: Mail the following materials together in one envelope to the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners at:
Do NOT include staples, post-it notes, and/or exhibit tabs with your application. Do not fold your application or supporting materials (excludes envelopes containing transcripts). Application materials are scanned upon receipt and using such items may cause your application to be torn or shredded during the scanning process. All materials must be submitted on paper measuring 8½” x 11” and must be single-sided.
The following materials and/or information on each must be provided or your application will be returned as deficient:
- Application Filing Fee payable to the State of West Virginia. Please reference the Application Filing Fee Schedule for acceptable payment types and applicable fee.
- One original application (see SECOND above). You must attach any required documents (e.g., copies of pleadings, orders, criminal complaints, military separation documents, financial, etc.), if applicable, which the application directs you to include to both the NCBE and the WVBLE. If you no longer have the materials listed, contact the court(s)/issuing agency to provide copies of these documents (or provide their response, in writing, if they are unable to do so).
- One (1) completed Application Affidavit with original/wet signatures of applicant and Notary Public, dated no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission.
- One (1) completed Affidavit of Authorization and Release with original/wet signatures of applicant and Notary Public, dated no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission.
- One (1) completed Affidavit of Active Practice – listing the time you have practiced after admission – with original/wet signatures of applicant and Notary Public, and all appropriate boxes checked and information accurately completed (make sure there are no discrepancies with these same details reported in your application), dated no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission.
- Affidavits of Practitioner with original/wet signatures, evidencing your good character from two attorneys, signed no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission.
- Official transcript from the school(s) that awarded your undergraduate degree(s). Transcripts must show that your degree has been awarded and the date on which it was awarded. Photocopies and unofficial printouts will not be accepted. If the transcript indicates that it must be in its original, sealed envelope to be official, send it to the Board of Law Examiners without opening the envelope. If the college or university provides transcripts via electronic service you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the name that appears on the transcript (if different than the name on your application), the issuing college/university, and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- Official transcript from the school that awarded your law degree. Transcripts must show that your degree has been awarded and the date on which it was awarded. Photocopies and unofficial printouts will not be accepted. If the transcript indicates that it must be in its original, sealed envelope in order to be official, send it to the Board of Law Examiners without opening the envelope. If the college or university provides transcripts via electronic service, you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the name that appears on the transcript (if different than the name on your application), the issuing college/university, and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- An original credit report dated no more than thirty (30) days prior to the date your application is postmarked. A credit report printed from an online free annual credit reporting agency or from any website that provides detailed history on each account is acceptable. A print-out that shows only your credit score is insufficient. The report must include your full name and the date it was issued and no pages may be redacted.
- Original Certificates of Good Standing from the Clerk of the Supreme Court from each state where you have been admitted to practice, signed no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission. If these are issued solely electronically, you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with the issuing agency and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application. (If you have been admitted or are seeking admission in multiple jurisdictions, separate each certificate with colored copy paper.)
- Official score report from the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE). If you specified West Virginia as one of the reporting states when you took the exam, you must inform our office in writing of the date you took the MPRE so that we can confirm your score without the need for an official score report. Pursuant to Rule 4.4, applicants for admission on motion must achieve a scaled score of at least 80 on an exam administered no more than 25 months prior to application for admission. There will be no exceptions to or waivers of this rule. Although you may send in your application for admission prior to sitting for the MPRE, your application file will not be complete and you will not be eligible for admission until we receive your passing MPRE score. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
FIFTH: Keep the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners apprised of any changes in the information provided on your application by submitting an Application Update Form when necessary (please submit update items according to the instructions in red above). You must also inform the NCBE of changes to your application using the NCBE’s amendment forms available under your NCBE online account.
The West Virginia Board of Law Examiners processes applications for limited permission under Rule 9.0 of the Rules for Admission year-round. Such applications are not subject to the biannual deadlines imposed on bar examination applicants.
This varies according to the precision with which the application is completed and the applicant's background information. Barring any actions listed in the application that may require further review, applicants are typically interviewed before completion of the NCBE's character and fitness background investigative report; continuing admission is contingent on the completed report. All applicants take part in the jurisdiction-specific character interview process following receipt of the required credentials. Admission takes place in person in front of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia in the Courtroom at the Capitol Complex. Admissions ceremonies are scheduled throughout the Court's two terms each year.
WV Application fee: | $150 |
NCBE Report: | The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) requires a fee, separate from and additional to the WV Application Fee, to complete a required character and fitness background investigative report. The fee varies, but typically begins at $550. See NCBE’s website for their fee schedule. |
Other: | Fees may be assessed for requesting certificates of good standing, copies of required application supporting documents, and copies of applications previously filed in other jurisdictions. Travel expenses may be incurred for the in person jurisdiction-specific character interview and for the in person admission ceremony. |
FIRST: Read and familiarize yourself with the Rules for Admission to the Practice of Law in West Virginia. These Rules govern all applications to practice law in West Virginia, and all applicants are charged with knowledge of the Rules’ requirements. Anyone wishing to apply to this jurisdiction must confirm they meet the Rules’ requirements and follow all instructions and Rules as available on the website. Thoroughly review the instructions on this page and the National Conference of Bar Examiners instructions for answers to your questions regarding the application process. Neither the WVBLE office nor the Board can give advisory opinions. An application must be filed according to the Rules and instructions. There are no waivers to the Rules or instructions.
SECOND: Go to the website of the National Conference of Bar Examiners and fill out the online West Virginia-specific character and fitness application (hereinafter referred to as "application"). Applications that are handwritten or not completed online will be rejected. Print out one original copy of the completed NCBE application and confirm that a bar code and number appear at the bottom. The application must be dated (bottom right corner) no more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of submission to our jurisdiction and the NCBE. Make a copy of the application and all materials you send to the WVBLE/NCBE throughout the process to keep for your records.
THIRD: Follow the NCBE’s instructions for submitting the required supporting material to the NCBE with your payment. This payment is separate from and additional to payment to the WVBLE. We will accept NCBE supplemental reports only if the original NCBE report was completed no more than three (3) years prior to the date of your application to West Virginia.
FOURTH: Mail the following materials together in one envelope to the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners at:
Do NOT include staples, post-it notes, and/or exhibit tabs with your application. Do not fold your application or supporting materials (excludes envelopes containing transcripts). Application materials are scanned upon receipt and using such items may cause your application to be torn or shredded during the scanning process. All materials must be submitted on paper measuring 8½” x 11” and must be single-sided.
- Application Filing Fee payable to the State of West Virginia. Please reference the Application Filing Fee Schedule for acceptable payment types and applicable fee.
- One original application (see SECOND above). You must attach any required documents (e.g., copies of pleadings, orders, criminal complaints, military separation documents, financial, etc.), if applicable, which the application directs you to include to both the NCBE and WVBLE. If you no longer have the materials listed, contact the court(s)/issuing agency to provide copies of these documents (or provide their response, in writing, if they are unable to do so).
- One completed Application Affidavit with original/wet signatures of applicant and Notary Public, dated no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission.
- One completed Affidavit of Authorization and Release with original/wet signatures of applicant and Notary Public, dated no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission.
- Completed statement, with original/wet signature, signed no more than thirty (30) days prior to your application submission, pursuant to Rule 9.0 of the Rules for Admission signed by a representative of the law school where you are enrolled in a qualified graduate program stating that you are enrolled in such program OR signed by a representative of a qualified legal services or public defender program stating that you are currently associated with such program, including your hire date.
- Receipt from the National Conference of Bar Examiners showing your full name and the date on which you paid for the processing of your character and fitness investigation.
- Official transcript from the school(s) that awarded your undergraduate degree(s). Transcripts must show that your degree has been awarded and the date on which it was awarded. Photocopies and unofficial printouts will not be accepted. If the transcript indicates that it must be in its original, sealed envelope to be official, send it to the Board of Law Examiners without opening the envelope. If the college or university provides transcripts via electronic service you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the name that appears on the transcript (if different than the name on your application), the issuing college/university, and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- Official transcript from the school that awarded your law degree. Transcripts must show that your degree has been awarded and the date on which it was awarded. Photocopies and unofficial printouts will not be accepted. If the transcript indicates that it must be in its original, sealed envelope in order to be official, send it to the Board of Law Examiners without opening the envelope. If the college or university provides transcripts via electronic service, you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the name that appears on the transcript (if different than the name on your application), the issuing college/university, and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- An original credit report dated no more than thirty (30) days prior to the date your application is postmarked. A credit report printed from an online free annual credit reporting agency or from any website that provides detailed history on each account is acceptable. A print-out that shows only your credit score is insufficient. The report must include your full name and the date it was issued and no pages may be redacted.
- Original Certificates of Good Standing from the Clerk of the Supreme Court from each state where you have been admitted to practice, signed no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission. If these are issued solely electronically, you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the issuing agency and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application. (If you have been admitted or are seeking admission in multiple jurisdictions, separate each certificate with colored copy paper.)
FIFTH: Keep the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners apprised of any changes in the information provided on your application by submitting an Application Update Form when necessary (please submit update items according to the instructions in red above). You must also inform the NCBE of changes to your application using the NCBE’s amendment forms available under your NCBE online account.
The West Virginia Board of Law Examiners processes applications under Rule 4.6 of the Rules for Admission year-round. Such applications are not subject to the biannual deadlines imposed on bar examination applicants.
This varies according to the precision with which the application is completed and the applicant's background information. The NCBE recommends allowing a minimum of six months for completion of the character and fitness background investigative report; this can be completed in much less time if reference information is current and all application details are accurate. All applicants take part in the jurisdiction-specific character interview process following receipt of all required credentials, including the completed NCBE report. Admission takes place in person in front of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia in the Courtroom at the Capitol Complex. Admissions ceremonies are scheduled throughout the Court's two terms each year.
NCBE Report: | The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) requires a fee to complete a required character and fitness background investigative report. The fee varies, but typically begins at $550. See NCBE’s website for their fee schedule. |
MPRE: | Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam administration fees. Information is available at the NCBE site. |
Other: | Fees may be assessed for transferring scores (MPRE) and requesting certificates of good standing, copies of required application supporting documents, and copies of applications previously filed in other jurisdictions. Travel expenses may be incurred for the in person jurisdiction-specific character interview and for the in person admission ceremony. |
FIRST: Read and familiarize yourself with the Rules for Admission to the Practice of Law in West Virginia. These Rules govern all applications to practice law in West Virginia, and all applicants are charged with knowledge of the Rules’ requirements. Anyone wishing to apply to this jurisdiction must confirm they meet the Rules’ requirements and follow all instructions and Rules as available on the website. Thoroughly review the instructions on this page and the National Conference of Bar Examiners instructions for answers to your questions regarding the application process. Neither the WVBLE office nor the Board can give advisory opinions. An application must be filed according to the Rules and instructions. There are no waivers to the Rules or instructions.
SECOND: Go to the website of the National Conference of Bar Examiners and fill out the online West Virginia-specific character and fitness application (hereinafter referred to as "application"). Applications that are handwritten or not completed online will be rejected. Print out one original copy of the completed NCBE application, and confirm that a bar code and number appear at the bottom. The application must be dated (bottom right corner) no more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of submission to our jurisdiction and the NCBE. Make a copy of the application and all materials you send to the WVBLE/NCBE throughout the process to keep for your records.
THIRD: Follow the NCBE’s instructions for uploading your application, required documents, and submitting payment. This payment is separate from and additional to payment to the WVBLE. We will accept NCBE supplemental reports only if the original NCBE report was completed no more than three (3) years prior to the date of your application to West Virginia.
FOURTH: Mail the following materials together in one envelope to the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners at:
Do NOT include staples, post-it notes, and/or exhibit tabs with your application. Do not fold your application or supporting materials (excludes envelopes containing transcripts). Application materials are scanned upon receipt and using such items may cause your application to be torn or shredded during the scanning process. All materials must be submitted on paper measuring 8½” x 11” and must be single-sided.
- One original application (see SECOND above). You must attach any required documents (e.g., copies of pleadings, orders, criminal complaints, military separation documents, financial, etc.), if applicable, which the application directs you to include to both the NCBE and WVBLE. If you no longer have the materials listed, contact the court(s)/issuing agency to provide copies of these documents (or provide their response, in writing, if they are unable to do so).
- One (1) completed Application Affidavit with original/wet signatures of applicant and Notary Public, dated no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission.
- One (1) completed Affidavit of Authorization and Release with original/wet signatures of applicant and Notary Public, dated no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission.
- A statement, with original/wet signature, from a representative of the West Virginia University College of Law, signed no more than thirty (30) days prior to your application submission, indicating that the applicant is a bona fide resident of West Virginia who currently holds a position as a full-time member of the faculty, including hire date.
- Official transcript from the school(s) that awarded your undergraduate degree(s). Transcripts must show that your degree has been awarded and the date on which it was awarded. Photocopies and unofficial printouts will not be accepted. If the transcript indicates that it must be in its original, sealed envelope to be official, send it to the Board of Law Examiners without opening the envelope. If the college or university provides transcripts via electronic service you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the name that appears on the transcript (if different than the name on your application), the issuing college/university, and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- Official transcript from the school that awarded your law degree. Transcripts must show that your degree has been awarded and the date on which it was awarded. Photocopies and unofficial printouts will not be accepted. If the transcript indicates that it must be in its original, sealed envelope in order to be official, send it to the Board of Law Examiners without opening the envelope. If the college or university provides transcripts via electronic service, you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the name that appears on the transcript (if different than the name on your application), the issuing college/university, and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- An original credit report dated no more than thirty (30) days prior to the date your application is postmarked. A credit report printed from an online free annual credit reporting agency or from any website that provides detailed history on each account is acceptable. A print-out that shows only your credit score is insufficient. The report must include your full name and the date it was issued and no pages may be redacted.
- Original Certificates of Good Standing from the Clerk of the Supreme Court from each state where you have been admitted to practice, signed no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission. If these are issued solely electronically, you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the issuing agency and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application. (If you have been admitted or are seeking admission in multiple jurisdictions, separate each certificate with colored copy paper.)
- Official score report from the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE). If you specified West Virginia as one of the reporting states when you took the exam, you must inform our office in writing of the date you took the MPRE so that we can confirm your score without the need for an official score report. A scaled score of at least 80 obtained no more than 25 months prior to application for admission is required pursuant to Rule 4.6. Although you may send in your application for admission prior to sitting for the MPRE, your application file will not be complete and you will not be eligible for admission until we receive your passing MPRE score. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
FIFTH: Keep the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners apprised of any changes in the information provided on your application by submitting an Application Update Form when necessary (please submit update items according to the instructions in red above). You must also inform the NCBE of changes to your application using the NCBE’s amendment forms available at under your NCBE online account.
The West Virginia Board of Law Examiners processes temporary admission applications under Rule 4.7 of the Rules for Admission year-round.
This varies according to the precision with which the application is completed and the applicant's background information. The NCBE recommends allowing a minimum of six months for completion of the character and fitness background investigative report; this can be completed in much less time if reference information is current and all application details are accurate. All applicants take part in the jurisdiction-specific character interview process following receipt of all required credentials, including the completed NCBE report. Admission takes place in person in front of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia in the Courtroom at the Capitol Complex. Admissions ceremonies are scheduled throughout the Court's two terms each year.
WV Application Fee: | $150 |
NCBE Report: | The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) requires a fee, separate from and additional to the WV Application Fee, to complete a required character and fitness background investigative report. The fee varies, but typically begins at $550. See NCBE’s website for their fee schedule. |
MPRE: | Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam administration fees. Information is available at the NCBE site. |
Other: | Fees may be assessed for transferring scores (MPRE) and requesting certificates of good standing, copies of required application supporting documents, and copies of applications previously filed in other jurisdictions. Travel expenses may be incurred for the in person jurisdiction-specific character interview and for the in person admission ceremony. |
FIRST: Read and familiarize yourself with the Rules for Admission to the Practice of Law in West Virginia. These Rules govern all applications to practice law in West Virginia, and all applicants are charged with knowledge of the Rules’ requirements. Anyone wishing to apply to this jurisdiction must confirm they meet the Rules’ requirements and follow all instructions and Rules as available on the website. Thoroughly review the instructions on this page and the National Conference of Bar Examiners instructions for answers to your questions regarding the application process. Neither the WVBLE office nor the Board can give advisory opinions. An application must be filed according to the Rules and instructions. There are no waivers to the Rules or instructions.
SECOND: Go to the website of the National Conference of Bar Examiners and fill out the online West Virginia-specific character and fitness application (hereinafter referred to as "application"). Applications that are handwritten or not completed online will be rejected. Print out one original copy of the completed NCBE application, and confirm that a bar code and number appear at the bottom. The application must be dated (bottom right corner) no more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of submission to our jurisdiction and the NCBE. Make a copy of the application and all materials you send to the WVBLE/NCBE throughout the process to keep for your records.
THIRD: Follow the NCBE’s instructions for submitting the required supporting material to the NCBE with your payment. This payment is separate from and additional to payment to the WVBLE. We will accept NCBE supplemental reports only if the original NCBE report was completed no more than three (3) years prior to the date of your application to West Virginia.
FOURTH: Mail the following materials together in one envelope to the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners at:
Do NOT include staples, post-it notes, and/or exhibit tabs with your application. Do not fold your application or supporting materials (excludes envelopes containing transcripts). Application materials are scanned upon receipt and using such items may cause your application to be torn or shredded during the scanning process. All materials must be submitted on paper measuring 8½” x 11” and must be single-sided.
- Application Filing Fee payable to the State of West Virginia. Please reference the Application Filing Fee Schedule for acceptable payment types and applicable fee.
- One original application (see SECOND above). You must attach any required documents (e.g., copies of pleadings, orders, criminal complaints, military separation documents, financial, etc.), if applicable, which the application directs you to include to both the NCBE and WVBLE. If you no longer have the materials listed, contact the court(s)/issuing agency to provide copies of these documents (or provide their response, in writing, if they are unable to do so).
- One (1) completed Application Affidavit with original/wet signatures of applicant and Notary Public, dated no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission.
- One (1) completed Affidavit of Authorization and Release with original/wet signatures of applicant and Notary Public, dated no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission.
- Photocopy (front and back) of Military Dependent ID Card.
- Copy of document establishing West Virginia residency, such as a utility bill from the preceding 60 days, a current residential lease or rental agreement, or West Virginia mortgage document.
- Copy of marriage or civil union certificate.
- Copy of service member’s military orders reflecting a permanent change of station to a military installation in West Virginia.
- Official transcript from the school(s) that awarded your undergraduate degree(s). Transcripts must show that your degree has been awarded and the date on which it was awarded. Photocopies and unofficial printouts will not be accepted. If the transcript indicates that it must be in its original, sealed envelope to be official, send it to the Board of Law Examiners without opening the envelope. If the college or university provides transcripts via electronic service you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the name that appears on the transcript (if different than the name on your application), the issuing college/university, and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- Official transcript from the school that awarded your law degree. Transcripts must show that your degree has been awarded and the date on which it was awarded. Photocopies and unofficial printouts will not be accepted. If the transcript indicates that it must be in its original, sealed envelope in order to be official, send it to the Board of Law Examiners without opening the envelope. If the college or university provides transcripts via electronic service, you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the name that appears on the transcript (if different than the name on your application), the issuing college/university, and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- An original credit report dated no more than thirty (30) days prior to the date your application is postmarked. A credit report printed from an online free annual credit reporting agency or from any website that provides detailed history on each account is acceptable. A print-out that shows only your credit score is insufficient. The report must include your full name and the date it was issued and no pages may be redacted.
- Original Certificates of Good Standing from the Clerk of the Supreme Court from each state where you have been admitted to practice, signed no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission. If these are issued solely electronically, you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the issuing agency and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application. (If you have been admitted or are seeking admission in multiple jurisdictions, separate each certificate with colored copy paper.)
- Official score report from the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE). If you specified West Virginia as one of the reporting states when you took the exam, you must inform our office in writing of the date you took the MPRE so that we can confirm your score without the need for an official score report. A scaled score of at least 80 obtained no more than 25 months prior to application for admission is required pursuant to Rule 4.6. Although you may send in your application for admission prior to sitting for the MPRE, your application file will not be complete and you will not be eligible for admission until we receive your passing MPRE score. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
FIFTH: Keep the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners apprised of any changes in the information provided on your application by submitting an Application Update Form when necessary (please submit update items according to the instructions in red above). You must also inform the NCBE of changes to your application using the NCBE’s amendment forms available under your NCBE online account.
The West Virginia Board of Law Examiners processes temporary admission applications under Rule 4.8 of the Rules for Admission year-round.
This varies according to the precision with which the application is completed. Following submission of all required credentials, applicants will be contacted regarding admission.
FIRST: Read and familiarize yourself with the Rules for Admission to the Practice of Law in West Virginia. These Rules govern all applications to practice law in West Virginia, and all applicants are charged with knowledge of the Rules’ requirements. Anyone wishing to apply to this jurisdiction must confirm they meet the Rules’ requirements and follow all instructions and Rules as available on the website. Neither the WVBLE office nor the Board can give advisory opinions. An application must be filed according to the Rules and instructions. There are no waivers to the Rules or instructions.
SECOND: Mail the following materials together in one envelope to the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners at:
Do NOT include staples, post-it notes, and/or exhibit tabs with your application. Do not fold your application or supporting materials (excludes envelopes containing transcripts). Application materials are scanned upon receipt and using such items may cause your application to be torn or shredded during the scanning process. All materials must be submitted on paper measuring 8½” x 11” and must be single-sided.
- One original Application including all required attachments.
- One (1) completed Application Affidavit with original/wet signatures of applicant and Notary Public, dated no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission.
- One (1) completed Affidavit of Authorization and Release with original/wet signatures of applicant and Notary Public, dated no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission.
- Letter from Deputy Staff Judge Advocate, State of West Virginia Office of the Adjutant General confirming date of employment and that the applicant has gone through the requisite military background check.
- Official transcript from the school(s) that awarded your undergraduate degree(s). Transcripts must show that your degree has been awarded and the date on which it was awarded. Photocopies and unofficial printouts will not be accepted. If the transcript indicates that it must be in its original, sealed envelope to be official, send it to the Board of Law Examiners without opening the envelope. If the college or university provides transcripts via electronic service you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the name that appears on the transcript (if different than the name on your application), the issuing college/university, and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- Official transcript from the school that awarded your law degree. Transcripts must show that your degree has been awarded and the date on which it was awarded. Photocopies and unofficial printouts will not be accepted. If the transcript indicates that it must be in its original, sealed envelope in order to be official, send it to the Board of Law Examiners without opening the envelope. If the college or university provides transcripts via electronic service, you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the name that appears on the transcript (if different than the name on your application), the issuing college/university, and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
- Original Certificates of Good Standing from the Clerk of the Supreme Court from each state where you have been admitted to practice, signed no more than sixty (60) days prior to your application submission. If these are issued solely electronically, you must request as the designated recipient and include a cover letter with your application listing the issuing agency and the date you requested the document. Items submitted under separate cover will be held for no more than thirty (30) days prior to submission of a complete application.
THIRD: Keep the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners apprised of any changes in the information provided on your application by submitting an Application Update Form when necessary (please submit update items according to the instructions in red above).