Monongalia County is the Twenty-First Judicial Circuit.
In Family Court, Monongalia and Preston Counties make up the Twentieth Family Court Circuit.
The county seat is Morgantown.
Monongalia County is the Twenty-First Judicial Circuit.
In Family Court, Monongalia and Preston Counties make up the Twentieth Family Court Circuit.
The county seat is Morgantown.
Judge Perri Jo DeChristopher
Monongalia County Justice Center
75 High Street, Suite 32
Morgantown, WV 26505
Fax 304-284-7377
Judge Cindy Scott
Monongalia County Justice Center
75 High Street, Suite 31
Morgantown, WV 26505
Fax 304-284-7317
Judge Michael Simms
Monongalia County Justice Center
75 High Street, Suite 33
Morgantown, WV 26505
Fax 304-284-7315
Donna Hidock, Clerk
Monongalia County Justice Center
75 High Street, Suite 12
Morgantown, WV 26505
Fax: 304-291-7273
Judge Jeff Culpepper
Monongalia County Justice Center
75 High Street, Suite 27
Morgantown, WV 26505
Fax: 304-285-3161
Judge Matthew Thorn
Monongalia County Justice Center
75 High Street, Suite 26
Morgantown, WV 26505
Fax: 304-285-3161
Magistrate Ron Bane
(address, phone and fax number same as Magistrate Clerk)
Suite 22
Magistrate Saundra K. Holepit
(address, phone and fax number same as Magistrate Clerk)
Suite 23
Magistrate James T. Pocius
(address, phone and fax number same as Magistrate Clerk)
Suite 24
Magistrate Dimas Reyes
(address, phone and fax number same as Magistrate Clerk)
Magistrate Tonya Rachelle Rogers
(address, phone and fax number same as Magistrate Clerk)
Magistrate Pette Tennant
(address, phone and fax number same as Magistrate Clerk)
Suite 21
Kandy McCauley, Clerk
Monongalia County Justice Center
75 High Street, Suite 25
Morgantown, WV 26505
Fax: 304-284-7313
John McCoy, Chief
Monongalia County Justice Center
75 High Street, Suite 16
Morgantown, WV 26505
Fax: 304-291-7213