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Judge Name

Judge Susan Riffle

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Nineteenth Family Court Circuit (Marion County)

Judge Headshot

Judge Susan Riffle is a native of Harrison County and grew up in Clarksburg. She has a 1987 bachelor's degree in business from Fairmont State College and a 1990 law degree from West Virginia University College of Law.

She was elected to a seat in the Nineteenth Family Court Circuit (Marion County) in 2016 and re-elected in 2024.

Before she took office, she practiced law with the firm of Hodges & Riffle PLLC with attorney J.T. Hodges (2006-2016). She also served as Marion County’s elected prosecuting attorney (2001-2004) and was a sole practitioner (1990-2000).

Judge Riffle is president of the board of Stepping Stone, Inc., and a trustee at LIFE United Methodist Church.