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Judge Name

Judge Stacy Nowicki-Eldridge

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Ninth Judicial Circuit (Boone and Lincoln Counties)

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Judge Stacy nowicki

Judge Stacy L. Nowicki-Eldridge was appointed to the bench in the judicial circuit that includes Boone and Lincoln Counties and was sworn into office on December 3, 2021. She was elected to the same position in 2022 and re-elected in 2024 to the renumbered Ninth Judicial Circuit (Boone and Lincoln Counties).

Judge Nowicki-Eldridge graduated in 1996 from West Virginia University and, in 1999, from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.   
Before her appointment to the bench, she practiced as a West Virginia state government lawyer for 20 years, mostly as an Assistant Attorney General for the West Virginia Attorney General’s Office and as counsel for agencies in the former West Virginia Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety, now known as West Virginia Department of Homeland Security. She was Deputy General Counsel and legislative liaison for the department at the time of her appointment to the bench. During her career, she has also served as a law clerk to the Hon. Ronald Wilson, an assistant prosecuting attorney, and an assistant public defender. 
Judge Nowicki-Eldridge has one bonus son (who is married to an amazing woman), two daughters, and three grandchildren. She spends her free time taxiing her daughters around the state to the many sporting activities they are involved in. She has coached their soccer teams and has been a volunteer troop leader with the Girl Scouts of America. She and her family live in Lincoln County.