Circuit Court
Lincoln County is part of the Twenty-Fifth Judicial Circuit which also includes Boone County. The county seat is Hamlin.
Judge Jay M. Hoke
Lincoln County Courthouse
P.O. Box 605
8000 Court Avenue
Hamlin, WV 25523
304-824-7999, ext. 238
Fax 304-824-7788
Judge Stacy L. Nowicki-Eldridge
Boone County Courthouse
200 State Street
Madison, WV 25130
Fax 304-369-7358
Address filings to the Lincoln County Circuit Clerk,
Brian Graley, Clerk
Lincoln County Courthouse
P.O. Box 338
8000 Court Avenue
Hamlin, WV 25523
304-824-7999, ext. 256 or 269
Fax: 304-824-2011
Family Court
Lincoln County is part of the Tenth Family Court Circuit, which also includes Boone County.
Judge Bobby Hale
Boone County Courthouse
206 Court Street
Madison, WV 25130
Fax 304-369-7841
Judge Ronald G. Salmons
Lincoln County Courthouse
8000 Court Avenue, Suite 107
Hamlin, WV 25523
304-824-5005 or 304-824-7999, ext. 273
Fax: 304-824-2243
Magistrate Court
Magistrate Ollie Hunting
(address and fax number same as Magistrate Clerk)
304-824-7999, ext. 236
Magistrate Sophia J. Tully
(address and fax number same as Magistrate Clerk)
304-824-7999, ext. 237
Lori A. Whitten, Clerk
Lincoln County Courthouse
P.O. Box 573
8000 Court Avenue
Hamlin, WV 25523
304-824-7999, ext. 235
Fax: 304-824-5280
Alaina Harvey, Deputy Chief
Probation Office
Boone County Courthouse
200 State Street, Suite 301
Madison, WV 25130
Fax: 304-369-3803
Jerry Swanson, Chief
Probation Office
Lincoln County Courthouse
8016 Court Avenue, Suite 201
Hamlin, WV 25523
304-824-7999, ext. 234
Fax: 304-824-7310